Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yeah, I know, I let this thing go...

This is what happens when in less than two months your fourth child is born, you move, and you get called into the bishopric. Almost THREE years later...I think I'm caught up. I doubt anyone will know this blog is happening, but I can at least keep it for myself. It's always great to be able to look back and remember where you've come from.

Last night was a great example of the craziness that can ensue in a household of 6. Between a late meeting for me, taco dinner with only a pound of meat ration out, FHE, joys of potty training, and kids' refusals to go to bed at the proper time, both Hoosier Mama and I were completely worn out. Finally noise cancelling headphones and the movie Far and Away on the iPad did the trick. I was out before 10 pm.